Request for nominations: 2020 International Fisheries Science Prize

Request for Nominations for:

The 2020 International Fisheries Science Prize

The International Fisheries Section of the American Fisheries Society is requesting nominations for the International Fisheries Science Prize (IFSP). The IFSP honors an individual for his or her contribution to global fisheries science and/or conservation and is presented once every four years at the congress of the World Council of Fisheries Societies. The Prize will consist of a commemorative medal, a plaque, and $5000 USD. This year’s Congress meets during 11-15 October 2020 in Adelaide, Australia.

Nominations for this Prize have no restrictions, and are encouraged from all countries.  They must be made by individuals who belong to member societies of the World Council of Fisheries Societies (WCFS).  All nominations shall be new or renewed at the beginning of the process. The Prize recipient will be selected by early autumn 2019, based on nominations submitted to the International Fisheries Science Prize Committee and received by midnight, Pacific Standard Time, 31 May 2019.

The Prize Committee that will present the candidate selected to the Executive Committee of the International Fisheries Section is composed of representatives appointed from member societies of the WCFS that contribute to the Prize, and past recipients.  All nominations are kept confidential by the Committee, both before and after the prize is awarded.

There is no nomination form. Nominations require: 1) a cover letter of no more than two pages describing the outstanding contributions the individual has made to global fisheries science and/or conservation; 2) letters from at least 5 but not more than 10 references in support of the nomination; and 3) a current curriculum vitae. Nominations and reference letters must be submitted in English (translations acceptable).

Criteria for selection will include the breadth, significance, and duration of the nominee’s achievements, especially those of a global perspective and scope.  Nominations and reference letters should address the candidate’s contributions at the local, regional, and international level to the understanding of fisheries science and/or conservation, education and mentorship of other scientists, and engagement with the public and policy issues.  Although candidates are not expected to excel in all areas, the breadth and depth of their work, especially at the international level, and important contributions that have transformed their fields are key points considered by the committee.

Please submit nominations electronically to: [email protected]

Dr. Kurt Fausch, 2020 Chairperson, International Fisheries Science Prize Committee


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