Publication in Spotlight
A Future for the Inland Fish and Fisheries Hidden Within the Sustainable Development Goals
Vittoria L. Elliott, Abigail J. Lynch, Sui C. Phang, Steven J. Cooke, Ian G. Cowx, Julie E. Claussen, James Dalton, William Darwall, Ian Harrison, Karen J. Murchie, E. Ashley Steel, Gretchen L. Stokes
Using Inland fish and fisheries, A future for the Inland Fish and Fisheries Hidden Within the Sustainable Goals looks at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals used to guide global multi-level governance to improve the conditions of earth and its habitants, to see how there can be more recognition and inclusion of additional natural resources in the Sustainable Development Goals. A limitation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is that excluding natural resources and services and their value in promoting sustainability in the goal’s outline can limit the strides toward sustainability and the contributions the services provide toward the SDGs, thus limiting the effectiveness of the sustainable development outlined by the SDGs. Inland fish and fisheries are an important resource that contribute to the success of the SDGs but are often overlooked due to the challenges of demonstrating their worth and accurately representing them in policy. The goals of this research is to emphasize the gross underrepresentation of inland fish and fisheries and the subsequent degradation of the resource and how including overlooked resources in the Sustainable Development Goals helps countries fulfill their commitment to the goals. Additionally, A future for the Inland Fish and Fisheries Hidden Within the Sustainable Goals, pinpoints ways for missing resources and services can be accounted for in the implementation and reporting of the Sustainable Development Goals and how to protect. [ Read More ]
Publications from the group
Nyboer, E.A., Embke, H.S., Robertson, A.M., Arlinghaus, R., Bower, S., Baigun, C., Beard, D., Cooke, S.J., Cowx, I.G., Koehn, J.D. Lyach, R., Milardi, M., Potts, W., and Lynch, A.J. Overturning stereotypes: The fuzzy boundary between recreational and subsistence inland fisheries. Fish and Fisheries.
Lynch, A.J., Arthur, R.I., Baigun, C., Claussen, J.E., Kangur, K., Koning, A.A., Murchie, K.J., Myers, B., Stokes, G.L., Tingley, R.W. and Youn, S.J., 2022. Societal values of inland fishes. In The Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (Second Edition), T. Mehner and K. Tockner, eds., C M. Febria and G. Krantzberg, section eds., pp. 475-490. Elsevier, Inc.
Twardek, W.M., Cowx, I.G., Lapointe, N.W., Paukert, C., Beard, T.D., Bennett, E.M., Browne, D., Carlson, A.K., Clarke, K.D., Hogan, Z. and Lorenzen, K., 2022. Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development. Water Biology and Security, p.100009.
Van Treeck, R., Radinger, J., Smialek, N., Pander, J., Geist, J., Mueller, M. and Wolter, C., 2022. Comparative assessment of hydropower risks for fishes using the novel European fish hazard Index. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 51, p.101906.
Bevitt, K., Franz, N., Mills, D.J. and Westlund, L., 2021. Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The contribution of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development.
Elliott, V.L., Lynch, A.J., Phang, S.C., Cooke, S.J., Cowx, I.G., Claussen, J.E., Dalton, J., Darwall, W., Harrison, I., Murchie, K.J. and Steel, E.A., 2022. A Future for the Inland Fish and Fisheries Hidden Within the Sustainable Development Goals. Frontiers in Environmental Science, p.433.
Boonstra, W.J., Boucquey, N., Carlson, A.K., Drakopulos, L., Fly, J., Joosse, S., Panchang, S., Marjadi, M.N., Rieser, A. and Wernersson, H.C., 2022. Urban fishing reveals underrepresented diversity. Nature Food, 3(5), pp.295-295.
Lyach, Roman. 2022. The Effect of Fishery Management on the Yield of the Critically Endangered European Eel Anguilla anguilla in Mesotrophic Rivers and Streams in Central Europe. Fishes 7, no. 1:42.
Starnes, T. and Darwall, W.R.T., 2021. Identification and Validation of Western African Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas.
Lyach, R., 2021. How Did the Czech Fishing Union Convince over 99% of Czech Recreational Anglers to Report Their Harvested Fish and Their Fishing Visits into Their Angling Logbooks?. Sustainability, 13(23), p.13499.
Lyach, Roman. 2021. Harvest Rates of Rheophilic Fish Vimba vimba, Chondrostoma nasus, and Barbus barbus Have a Strong Relationship with Restocking Rates and Harvest Rates of Their Predator Silurus glanis in Lowland Mesotrophic Rivers in Central Europe. Sustainability 13, no. 20: 11379.
Shephard, S., Ryan, D., O'Reilly, P. and Roche, W., 2021. Using local ecological knowledge to inform semi-quantitative fishery surveillance indicators: an example in marine recreational angling. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Jere, A., Jere, W. W. L., Mtethiwa, A., & Kassam, D. 2021. Impact of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces: Cichlidae) invasion on taxonomic and functional diversity of native fish species in the upper Kabompo River, northwest of Zambia. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 12845– 12857.
Cooper, A. R., Infante, D. M., O'Hanley, J. R., Yu, H., Neeson, T. M., & Brumm, K. J. 2021. Prioritizing native migratory fish passage restoration while limiting the spread of invasive species: A case study in the Upper Mississippi River. Science of The Total Environment, 148317.
2021. Small-scale fisheries and local food systems: Transformations, threats and opportunities. Fish and Fisheries, 00, 1– 16. , , , , , &
Barbarossa, V. Bosmans, J., Wander, N., King, H., Bierkens, M.F.P., Huijbregts M.A.J., Schipper, A.M. 2021. Threats of global warming to the world’s freshwater fishes. Nat Commun 12, (1701).
Jeanson, A.L., Lynch, A.J., Thiem, J.D., Potts, W.M., Haapasalo, T., Danylchuk, A.J., Beard, T.D., Arlinghaus, R. Hunt, L.M. Young, N., Cooke, S.J., 2021. A bright spot analysis of inland recreational fisheries in the face of climate change: learning about adaptation from small successes. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 31,181–200.
Simmance, F.A., Simmance, A.B., Kolding, J., Schreckenberg, K., Tompkins, E., Poppy, G., Nagoli, J., 2021. A photovoice assessment for illuminating the role of inland fisheries to livelihoods and the local challenges experienced through the lens of fishers in a climate-driven lake of Malawi. Ambio.
Duncan, N., Silva, S., Conallin, J., Freed, S., Akester, M., Baumgartner, L., McCartney, M., Dubois, M., Sellamuttu, S.S. 2021. Fish for whom?: Integrating the management of social complexities into technical investments for inclusive, multi-functional irrigation. World Development Perspectives 22.
Arthington, A.H. 2021. Grand Challenges to Support the Freshwater Biodiversity Emergency Recovery Plan. Front. Environ. Sci.
Belton, B., Rosen, L., Middleton, L., Ghazali, S.B., Mamun, A., Shieh, J., Noronha, H.S., Dhar, G., Ilyas, M., Price, C.R., Nasr-Allah, A.M., EL-Sira, I.S., Baliarsingh, B.K., Panemangalore, A.P., Rajendran, S., Mohan, A.B., Babu, R., Akester, M.J., Phyo, E.E., Khin, M., Olaniyi, A.A., Siriwardena, S.N., Bostock, J., Little, D., Phillips, M.J., Thilsted, S.H. 2021. COVID-19 impacts and adaptations in Asia and Africa’s aquatic food value chains.
Su, G., Logez, M., Xu, J., Tao, S., Villager, S., Brosse, S. 2021. Human impacts on global freshwater fish biodiversity. Science 371, 6531, (835-838).
Cooke, S.J., Twardek, W.M., Lynch, A.J., Cowx, I.G., Olden, J.D., Funge-Smith, S., Lorenzen, K., Arlinghaus, R., Chen, Y., Wey, O.L.F., Nyober, E.A, Pompeu, P.S., Carlson, S.M., Koehn, J.D., Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R., Aaron, S.P., Konings, A.A., Britton, R. 2021. A Global Perspective on the Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Freshwater Fish Biodiversity. Biological Conservation 253.
Harrison, I.J., Vollmer, D., 2021. H2O ≠ CO2: framing and responding to the global water crisis. Environ. Res. Lett. 16
Meara, L.O., Cohen, P.J., Simmance, F., Marinda, P., Nagoli, J., Teoh, S.J., Funge-Smith, S., Milla, D.J., Thilsted, S.H., Byrd, K.A., 2021. Inland fisheries critical for the diet quality of young children in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Food Security 28.
Hein, T., Infante, D.M., Schinegger, R., Schoelynck, J., Weigelhofer, G., 2021. Editorial/Special Issue on "Challenges and Innovative Solutions in River Sciences" --> from the 6th International Symposium of the International Society for River Science in Vienna 2019. Front. Environ. Sci
Kim, J.Y., Atique, U., An, K., 2021, Relative Abundance and Invasion Dynamics of Alien Fish Species Linked to Chemical Conditions, Ecosystem Health, Native Fish Assemblage, and Stream Order. Water 13(2).
Fiorella, K., E.R. Bageant, N.B. Schwartz, S.H. Thilsted, and C.B. Barrett. 2021. Fishers’ response to temperature change reveals importance of integrating human behavior in climate change analysis. Science Advances 7(18).
Loury, E.K., Elliott, V.L., Ainsley, S.M., Baird, I.G., Baumgartner, L.J., Chhuoy, S., Lee, D.J., Ngor, P.B., Touch, B., Vu, A.V. and Hogan, Z.S. 2021, Priority knowledge needs for management of migratory fish species in Cambodia. Fish Manag Ecol.
Fiorella, K.J., Bageant, E.R., Mojica, L., Obuya, J.A., Ochieng, J., Olela, P., Otuo, P.W., Onyango, H.O., Aura, C.M. and Okronipa, H., 2021. Small-scale fishing households facing COVID-19: The case of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Fisheries Research, 237,105856.
Betts, J.T., Espinoza, J.F.M., Dans, A.J., Jordan, C.A., Mayer, J.L., Urquhart, G.R. 2020. Fishing with Pesticides Affects River Fisheries and Community Health in the Indio Maíz Biological Reserve, Nicaragua. Sustainability 12(23).
Robinson, K.F., Alsip, P.J., Drake, A.R., Kao, Y.C., Koops, M.A., Mason, D.M., Rutherford, E.S., Zhang, H. 2020. Reviewing uncertainty in bioenergetics and food web models to project invasion impacts: four major Chinese carps in the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 47(83-95).
Bartley, D.M., Kaunda, E., Bennett, A., Funge-Smith, S., and Taylor, W. 2020. Improving the fish value chain in Malawi: linking stakeholders to policy makers and donors [GLFC online]. Available from
Kelly F. Robinson, Peter J. Alsip, Andrew R. Drake, Yu-Chun Kao, Marten A. Koops, Doran M. Mason, Edward S. Rutherford, Hongyan Zhang, 2020. Reviewing uncertainty in bioenergetics and food web models to project invasion impacts: Four major Chinese carps in the Great Lakes, Journal of Great Lakes Research. In Press.
Shephard, S., Valbo‐Jorgensen, J., Abadía, J., Baigún, C., Doria, C.R., Fabré, N.N., Isaac, V.J., Ngor, P.B., Ruffino, M.L. and Funge‐Smith, S. 2020. From Amazon Catfish to Mekong Money Fish: Size‐Based Assessment of Data‐Limited Commercial Inland Fisheries. Fisheries. Accepted Author Manuscript.
Jere, A., Jere, W.W.L., Mtethiwa, A., Kasssam, D., 2020. Dietary preference of nile tilapia versus native fish species in the upper Kabompo River, northwest of Zambia. Aquatic Biology.
Koehn, J.D., Raymond, S.A., Stuart, I., Todd, C.R., Balcombe, S.R., Zampatti, B.P., Bamford, H., Ingram, B.A., Bice, C., Burndred, K., Butler, G., Baumgartner, L., Clunie, P., Ellis, I., Forbes, J., Hutchison, M., Koster, W., Lintermans, Lyon, J.P., M., Mallen-Cooper, M., McLellan, M., Pearce, L., Ryall, J., Sharpe, C., Stoessel, D.J., Thiem, J.D., Tonkin, Z., Townsend, A., Ye, Q. 2020. A compendium of ecological knowledge for restoration of freshwater fishes in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin. Marine and Freshwater Research early view.
Koehn, J.D., Balcombe, S.R. Bice, C.M., Baumgartner, L., Burndred, K., Ellis, I., Koster, W., Lintermans, M., Pearce. L. Sharpe, C., Stuart, I., and Todd, C.R. 2020. What is needed to restore native fishes in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin? Marine and Freshwater Research.
Kao, Y., Rogers, M.W., Bunnell, D.B. et al. 2020. Effects of climate and land-use changes on fish catches across lakes at a global scale. Nat Commun 11, 252.
Lynch, A.J., Elliott, V., Phang, S.C.,C laussen, J.E., Harrison, I., Murchie, K.J., Steel, E.A., Stokes, G.L. 2020. Inland fish and fisheries integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Nat Sustain.
Lynch, A. J., D. M. Bartley, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. B. Bunnell, S. J. Cooke, I. G. Cowx, S. Funge-Smith, C. P. Paukert, M. W. Rogers, W. W. Taylor. 2020. InFish: A research network to promote global conservation and responsible use of inland fish. Fisheries.
Michaela Lo, James Reed, Leandro Castello, E Ashley Steel, Emmanuel A Frimpong, Amy Ickowitz, The Influence of Forests on Freshwater Fish in the Tropics: A Systematic Review, BioScience, , biaa021,
Tickner, D., J. Opperman, R. Abell, M. Acreman, A. Arthington, S. E. Bunn, S. J. Cooke, W. Darwall, G. Edwards, I. Harrison, K. Hughes, T. Jones, D. Leclère, A. J. Lynch, P. Leonard, M. McClain, P. McIntyre, D. Muruven, J. D. Olden, S. Ormerod, J. Robinson, R. Tharme, M. Thieme, K. Tockner, M. Wright, L. Young. 2020. Bending the Curve of Freshwater Biodiversity Loss – An Emergency Recovery Plan. Bioscience. 70(4):330-342.
Lynch, AJ, Bartley, DM, Beard, TD, Cowx, IG, Funge-smith, S, Taylor, WW, and Cooke., SJ. 2020. Examining progress towards achieving the Ten Steps of the Rome Declaration on Responsible Inland Fisheries. Fish & Fisheries. 21:190-203.
Fiorella, K. J., E. R. Bageant, M. Kim, V. Sean, V. Try, H. J. MacDonell, E. Baran, Y. Kura, A. C. Brooks, C. B. Barrett, and S. Thilsted. 2019. Analyzing drivers of fish biomass and biodiversity within community fish refuges in Cambodia. Ecology and Society 24(3):18.
Cooper AR, Tsang Y‐P, Infante DM, Daniel WM, McKerrow AJ, Wieferich D. 2019. Protected areas lacking for many common fluvial fishes of the conterminous USA. Divers Distrib. 2019;25:1289–1303. https://doi. org/10.1111/ddi.12937
Phang, SC, Cooperman, M, Lynch, AJ, et al. 2019. Fishing for conservation of freshwater tropical fishes in the Anthropocene. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 1– 13.
Elliott, V. , Chheng, P. , Uy, S. and Holtgrieve, G. W. 2019. Monitoring of tropical freshwater fish resources for sustainable use. J Fish Biol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/jfb.13974
Wang, Y., Kao, Y.-C., Zhou, Y., Zhang, H., Yu, X., Lei, G., 2019. Can water level management, stock enhancement, and fishery restriction offset negative effects of hydrological changes on the four major Chinese carps in China’s largest freshwater lake? Ecol. Model. 403, 1-10.
Trisos, C. H., Alexander, S. M., Gephart, J. A., Gurung, R., McIntyre, P. B., & Short, R. E. 2019. Mosquito net fishing exemplifies conflict among Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Sustainability, 2(1), 5–7.
Bower, S. D., A. M. Song, P. Onyango, S. J. Cooke, J. Kolding. 2019. Using Transdisciplinary Research Solutions to Support Governance in Inland Fisheries. In: Chuenpagdee R., Jentoft S. (eds) Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance. MARE Publication Series, vol 21. Springer, Cham.
Lynch, A. J., L. J. Baumgartner, C. A. Boys, J. Conallin, I. G. Cowx, C. M. Finlayson, P. A. Franklin, Z. Hogan, J. D. Koehn, M. P. McCartney, G. O’Brien, K. Phouthavong, L. G. M. Silva, C. A. Tob, J. Valbo-Jørgensen, A. V. Vu, L. Whiting, A. Wibowo, P. Duncan. 2019. Speaking the same language: Using the Sustainable Development Goals to talk inland fish into irrigation decisions. Marine and Freshwater Research. 70:1211-1228.
Patricio, H.C., S.A. Zipper, M.L. Peterson, S.M. Ainsley, E.K. Loury, S. Ounboundisane, and D.B. Demko. 2018. Fish catch and community composition in a data-poor Mekong River subcatchment characterised through participatory surveys of harvest from an artisanal fishery. Marine and Freshwater Research. Early Online Access: DOI: 10.1071/MF17338
Reid, A. J., A. K. Carlson, I. F. Creed, E. J. Eliason,P. A. Gell, P. T. J. Johnson, K. A. Kidd, T. J. MacCormack, J. D. Olden, S. J. Ormerod, John P. Smol, W. W. Taylor, K. Tockner, J. C. Vermaire, D. Dudgeon, S. J. Cooke. 2018. Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity. Biological Reviews doi: 10.1111/brv.12480
Lapointe, D., M. S. Cooperman, L. J. Chapman, T. D. Clark, A. L. Val, M. S. Ferreira, J. S. Balirwa, D. Mbabazi, M. Mwanja, L. Chhom, L. Hannah, L. Kaufman, A. P. Farrell, S. J. Cooke. Predicted impacts of climate warming on aerobic performance and upper thermal tolerance of six tropical freshwater fishes spanning three continents. Conservation Physiology 6:1: coy056
Basher, Z., A. J. Lynch, W. W. Taylor. 2018. New global high-resolution river centerlines of large rivers systems. Data in Brief 20: 1552-1555.
Fluet-chouinard, E., Funge-smith, S., & Mcintyre, P. B. (2018). Global hidden harvest of freshwater fish revealed by household surveys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(29): 7623–7628. doi:10.1073/pnas.1721097115
Loury, E. K., S. M. Ainsley, S. D. Bower, R. Chuenpagdee, T. Farrell, A. G. Guthrie, S. Heng, Z. Lunn, A. A. Mamun, R. Oyanedel, S. Rocliffe, S. Satumanatpan, and S. J. Cooke. 2017. Salty stories, fresh spaces: Lessons for aquatic protected areas from marine and freshwater experiences. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems:1-16. doi: 10.1002/aqc.2868
Paukert, C. P., A. J. Lynch, T. D. Beard Jr., Y. Chen, S. Cooke, M. J. Cooperman, I. G. Cowx, L. Ibengwe, D. M. Infante, B. J. E. Meyers, P. Hòa Nguyễn, and I. J. Winfield. 2017. Designing a global assessment of climate change on inland fish and fisheries: knowns and needs. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27:393-409.
Romulo, C.L., Basher, Z, Lynch, A.J., Kao, Y-C, and Taylor, W.W. 2017. Assessing the global distribution of river fisheries harvest: a systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence 6:29.
Lynch, A.J., I.G. Cowx, E. Fluet-Chouinard, S.M. Glaser, S.C. Phang, T.D. Beard, Jr., S.D. Bower, J.L. Brooks, D.B. Bunnell, J.E. Claussen, S.J. Cooke, Y.-C. Kao, K. Lorenzen, B.J.E. Myers, A.J. Reid, J.J. Taylor, and S. Youn. (2017). Inland fisheries - invisible but integral to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda for ending poverty by 2030. Global Environmental Change. 47: 167-173.
Deines, A. M., D. B. Bunnell, M. W. Rogers, D. Bennion, W. Woelmer, M. J. Sayers, A. G. Grimm, R. A. Shuchman, Z. B. Raymer, C. N. Brooks, J. G. Mychek-londer, W. Taylor, and T. D. B. Jr. 2017. The contribution of lakes to global inland fisheries harvest. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.1503
Lynch, A. J., S. J. Cooke, T. D. Beard, Jr., Y.-C. Kao, K. Lorenzen, A. M. Song, M. S. Allen, Z. Basher, D. B. Bunnell, E. V. Camp, I. G. Cowx, J. A. Freedman, V. M. Nguyen, J. K. Nohner, M. W. Rogers, Z. A. Siders, W. W. Taylor, S. Youn. 2017. Grand challenges in the management and conservation of North American inland fish and fisheries. Fisheries 42(2): 115-124.
Cooke, S. J., E. H. Allison, T. D. Beard, Jr., R. Arlinghaus, A. H. Arthington, D. M. Bartley, I. G. Cowx, C. Fuentevilla, N. J. Leonard, A. J. Lynch, V. M. Nguyen, S. Youn, W. W. Taylor, R. L. Welcomme. (2016). On the sustainability of inland fisheries: Finding a future for the forgotten. Ambio. 45:753.
Lorenzen, K. (2014) Understanding and managing enhancements: why fisheries scientists should care. Journal of Fish Biology 85: 1807-1829.
Hazlerigg, C.R.E., Tyler, C.R., Lorenzen, K., Wheeler, J.R. & Thorbek, P. (2014) Population relevance of toxicant mediated changes in sex ratio in fish: an assessment using an individual-based zebrafish (Danio rerio) model. Ecological Modeling 280: 76-88.
Lorenzen, K., Beveridge, M.C.M. & Mangel, M. (2012) Cultured fish: integrative biology and management of domestication and interactions with wild fish. Biological Reviews 87: 639-660.
Edwards, C.T.T., Hillary, R.M., Levontin, P., Blanchard J. & Lorenzen K. (2012) Fisheries assessment and management: a synthesis of common approaches with special reference to deepwater and data-poor stocks. Reviews in Fisheries Science 20: 126-153.
Martin, S., Lorenzen, K., Arthur, R.I., Kaisone, P. & Souvannalangsy, K. (2011). Impacts of fishing by dewatering on fish assemblages of tropical floodplain wetlands: a matter of frequency and context. Biological Conservation 144: 633-640
Welcomme, R.L., Cowx, I.G. Coates, D. Béné, C., Funge-Smith, S., Halls, A.S. & Lorenzen, K. (2010) Inland capture fisheries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 2881-2896